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Vigilance in Tax Departments > Where is vigilance?

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Posted: 10-03-2011

Vigilance Department? Where is it?

At least, I find it very difficult to spot where this vigilance department is. The only news that we hear about the vigilance department is regarding the appointment of their CVC at Delhi and what the Supreme Court did to him.

I don't think we will hear anything more about the vigilance department. It is a typical government department that works without any targets and, if at all, there is one, is not hurt when they are not met.

Look at what happened to one of the circulars that made some news days back.

The Ministry of Law and the Courts, tribunals said that the tax departments and the government is the biggest litigant in the country. They said that the government treats its own citizens like enemies! Which is really true. The government is one side and we the people are on the other. We pay for its expense and survival and they say they work for us or serve us!

Therefore, the tax departments sent a circular with the aim of reducing the litigation. They wanted all the show cause notices to be routed through the vigilance departments in the zone. The expectation was that the number of notices served will go down. But result! Nothing, there is no impact on the number of notices served. Why so?

Anybody's guess! As usual, the vigilance department exists only on the paper and in the budget. Not when it comes to work.

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